X-Wing Wave 9 Announced!

Wow have I fallen behind. Here I am trying to catchup on all the Wave 8 stuff I have missed, and today FFG announced Wave 9! With the new wave, we are getting 2 new scum ships – The Protectorate Starfighter, and the Shadow Caster – flown by the infamous bounty hunter Ketsu Onyo. Both ships…

New X-Wing Maneuver Dials!

Yesterday, FFG announced a new addition to their line of X-Wing accessories – new maneuver dials! These dials are themed for each faction in the game, and are customizable to the ships in your fleet. They use the dial you already have, and all you do is put it in the new plastic case along…

Stay on Target – #006: Force Friday!

So, as many of you know, this last Friday September 4th, was what marketers and geeks alike referred to as Force Friday. This day was the day Disney (our “beloved” Star Wars overlords), decided to launch a ton of new The Force Awakens merchandise in preparation for Episode VII. With this huge release of collectibles, they also…

In My Crosshairs #3

There’s just so many things that I want, and well… here’s three more things that fall into that category! Fantasy Flight Games Edition! P.S. I’ve decided to just direct deposit 80% of my paycheck to FFG’s account. Star Wars: X-Wing – Wave 7